To cleanse from the summer build-up of Pitta and to smoothly transition into the Vata season of Fall, consider a whole-body natural detox or Pancha karma.
Pancha Karmas are natural detoxification & rejuvenation procedures for effectively removing accumulated toxins from the whole body. These natural treatments first loosen the toxins. Next they liquefy the loosened toxins and remove them from the body. To rid the body of accumulated toxins, Pancha Karma includes use of individualized:
Detox diets
Detox exercises
Nutritional supplements & Herbal Formulas (Deepan/Paachana)
Mild fasting (Langhana)
Lymphatic Detox Massage with medicinal herbal oils (Abhyanga)
Detox Massage with herbal powders (Udvartana)
Five Senses Detox (Shiro-Dhara + Nasya + Karna-puran)
Circulatory Detox Sauna for sweating (Swedan)
Upper Digestion & Metabolic Detox with herbal purgatives (Virechan)
Lower Digestion & Metabolic Detox with gentle enema therapy (Basti)
To learn more about our PanchaKarma program, call 408-320-2434