We are now in full blown Winter Season as the days continue to be shorter with less sunlight and an abundance of cold & wet (increased moisture from rain and/or snow) days. A sense of slowness can lead to people staying indoors as much as possible during the winter season as their way of hibernating. These are all qualities shared by the kapha dosha making the winter primarily a kapha season. If the winter season continues to feel cold and dry for many individuals, the vata dosha can be a component that needs to be addressed as well.
Nutrition tips to stay warm and nourished this Winter Season:
Consume warm, cooked, slightly oily, well-spiced foods, while emphasizing sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes
Drink room temperature, warm, or hot beverages and avoid iced or chilled drinks
Utilize spices like ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper or coriander seeds, cumin seeds, and fennel seeds to make an herbal tea to enjoy after a meal to ensure proper digestion
Warming vegetables like radishes, cooked spinach, onions, carrots, and other root vegetables are generally best during the winter
Cook with hot spices such as garlic, ginger, black pepper, cayenne, and chili peppers (in moderation depending on your palate)
Cooked grains like oatmeal, cornmeal, barley, tapioca, rice, kichadi, steamed vegetables, whole wheat breads, and hearty soups make for great meal ideas during the winter
Legumes are generally good for kapha, but should be well-cooked, well-spiced, and garnished with a teaspoon of ghee to not aggravate the vata dosha.
It is best to reduce or avoid cold, damp foods, excessively sweet foods, overly heavy or oily foods, and frozen foods.