Acts as a laxative, emollient, female tonic, antitumor, cholagogue, anti inflammatory, immunostimulant
Used for amenorrhea (abnormal absence of menstruation), inflammatory skin conditions (acne, etc), obesity, fever jaundice, hepatitis, herpes diseases, menopause, intestinal worms, enlarged liver or spleen
Balances all 3 doshas, but since it is sweet, bitter and cooling, it especially benefits pittas
Inner leaf gel contains 96% water and is anti-inflammatory, antipruritic (anti-itch), vulnerary (heals wounds), and hypocholesterolemic (lowers cholesterol levels)
Popular remedy for skin healing — stimulates collagen synthesis and maturation during granulation in the wound healing process
Aloe compounds emodin, aloe-emodin, and aloin produce anti-inflammatory salicylates when metabolized
Please consult with an Ayurvedic or Naturopathic Doctor first on how to implement this herb for your specific health condition(s).